Open Mic Nights... there are plenty of them, but Unity Hall's is unique. It's not just the setting. At Unity Hall, it's all about the music. Artists that perform are listened to, not talked over. They don't have to compete with multiple big screen TV's or loud bar talk from folks with little or no interest in hearing them play. And Unity Hall's state-of-the-art Open Mic sound system makes good musicians sound great and great ones sound amazing. Refreshments are available for a donation.
Our area has lots of very talented musicians. Enjoying them in the Hinge Parlor or in the park adjacent to Unity Hall brings out the best in them and brings out people they really enjoy playing for.
Whether you come to listen, come to play or come to do both, the atmosphere and the vibe of Unity Hall Open Mic Nights are sure to bring you back for more!
Since its inception, Rick Boxall, the board member that proposed that Unity Hall do a monthly Open Mic Night, was the organizer and host of this now long standing tradition. Tragically, Rick passed away on November 16th, 2022. Rick will always have a presence in the Hall and in our hearts, and we will do our best to keep future third Thursday nights in the Hinge Parlor as special for musicians and music lovers as he always made sure they were.
Open Mic Nights... there are plenty of them, but Unity Hall's is unique. It's not just the setting. At Unity Hall, it's all about the music. Artists that perform are listened to, not talked over. They don't have to compete with multiple big screen TV's or loud bar talk from folks with little or no interest in hearing them play. And Unity Hall's state-of-the-art Open Mic sound system makes good musicians sound great and great ones sound amazing. Refreshments are available for a donation.
Our area has lots of very talented musicians. Enjoying them in the Hinge Parlor or in the park adjacent to Unity Hall brings out the best in them and brings out people they really enjoy playing for.
Whether you come to listen, come to play or come to do both, the atmosphere and the vibe of Unity Hall Open Mic Nights are sure to bring you back for more!
Since its inception, Rick Boxall, the board member that proposed that Unity Hall do a monthly Open Mic Night, was the organizer and host of this now long standing tradition. Tragically, Rick passed away on November 16th, 2022. The unlpugged Open Mic Night in Unity Hall that week was totally acoustic to a full house of friends and fellow musicians there to honor Rick.
Rick will always have a presence in the Hall and in our hearts, and we will do our best to keep future third Thursday nights in the Hinge Parlor as special for musicians and music lovers as he always made sure they were.

Rick Boxall - April 9, 1961 - November 16, 2022