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Unity Hall ~ 101 Vanderkemp Ave. Barneveld, NY 13304

Any direction you approach Unity Hall from is a lovely drive.  The 15 minute trip north from Utica on
Route 12 rewards you with a panoramic view of the Adirondack foothills from atop Deerfield Hill.
From Rome and other points west, Route 365 carries you through fertile farm country and the village
of Holland Patent. Northern Unity Hall bound travelers come in on Route 12 as it makes its way down 

from the St. Laurence Valley, picking-up Adirondack friends on Rt. 28 along the way.  The ride in from
the east travels north on Rt. 28 as it meanders along the Wet Canada Creek.

The Hall resides in the corner of a park at the intersection of Vanderkemp Avenue and Wicks Place.
Parking is available behind the Hall, on the south side of Wicks Place and on the east side of Vanderkemp.  
Handicap Parking and a handicap entrance are in the rear lot.


Parking is prohibited on the Unity Hall side of Vanderkemp Ave. and all cars must leave pedestrian passage space on the sidewalk. 



Unity Hall is proud to share the distinction of having earned People's Choice recognition as one of the region's top venues for live music in the SAMMY'S -

the Syracuse Area Music Awards.


Many Unity Hall events are made possible with funds from the Decentralization Program, a re-grant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by CNY Arts.


Unity Hall is operated and maintained by the Unity Hall Foundation, a not-for-profit, all volunteer organization formed in 1995 to preserve the historic building and present entertaining and informative programs.


Unity Hall thanks these organizations for helping boost awareness of our events.



© 2024 Unity Hall Foundation

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